Beet Greens.Amazing Benefits of Beetroot.

Amazing Benefits of Beetroot : In the pink of Health.

The leaves of the beet greens plant are incredibly nutritious, so don't throw them away!

Nutritionally, per 100g they offer:-

Protein - 2.2g 
Fat - 0.13g
Carbohydrates - 4.33g
Calories - 22.0
Sugar - 0.5g 
Fiber - 3.7g

Vitamins (% Recommended Daily Allowance(RDA):-

Vitamin A - 271%
Vitamin E - 10%
Vitamin C - 40%
Vitamin B1 - 8%
Vitamin B2 - 13%
Vitamin B5 - 5%
Vitamin B6 - 8%
Vitamin K   - 500%

Minerals (% RDA):-

Calcium - 12%
Iron -  14%
Magnesium - 22%
Phosphorus - 6%
Potassium - 22%
Sodium - 10%
Copper - 21%
Manganese - 22%



Benefits:- Builds and protects bones and teeth. Helps with muscle contractions and relaxation, blood clotting, and nerve impulse transmission. Plays a role in hormone secretion and enzyme activation. Helps maintain healthy blood pressure.

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA):-
31-50 Years old, 1000 mg; 51+, 1200mg;

Good Food Sources:- Yogurt, Cheese, milk, tofu, sardines, salmon, fortified juices, leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli and kale ( but not spinach or Swiss chard, which have binders that lessen absorption).

Did You Know? Adults absorb roughly 30.

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Benefits:- Helps hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle cells ferry oxygen throughout the body. Needed for chemical reactions in the body and for making amino acids, collagen, neurotransmitters, and hormones.

Recommended Daily Allowance(RDA):- 19-50 years old, 18 mg; 51+ 8 mg.

Good Food Sources:- Red meat, poultry, eggs, fruits, green vegetables, fortified bread and grain products.

Did You Know?
Many women of childbearing age don't get enough iron. Women who do not menstruate probably need the same amount of iron as men. Because iron is harder to absorb from plants, experts suggest vegetarians get twice the recommended amount (assuming the source is food).
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Benefits:- Needed for many chemical reactions in the body Works with calcium in muscle contraction, blood clotting, and regulation of blood pressure. Helps build bones and teeth.

Recommended Daily Allowance(RDA):- 320 mg.

Good Food Sources:- Green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, legumes,
Did You Know? Certain drugs bind with phosphorus, making it unavailable and causing bone loss, weakness, and pain.

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Benefits:- Balances fluids in the body. Helps maintain steady heartbeat and send nerve impulses. Needed for muscle contractions. A diet rich in potassium seems to lower blood pressure. Getting enough potassium from your diet may benefit bones.

Recommended Daily Allowance(RDA):- 3510 mg.

Good Food Sources:- Organ meats, seafood, walnuts, sometimes plants (depends on soil content), grain products.

Did You Know? Researchers are investigating whether selenium may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, but with mixed results.

Benefits:- Balances fluids in the body. Helps send nerve impulses. Needed for muscle contractions. Impacts blood pressure; even modest reductions in salt consumption can lower blood pressure.

Recommended Daily Allowance(RDA):- 2,300 mg.

Good Food Sources:- Salt, Soy sauce, processed foods, vegetables.

Did You Know? While experts recommend that people limit sodium intake to 2,300 mg, most Americans consume 4,000-6,000 mg a day.


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