
Showing posts from November, 2020

Beet Greens.Amazing Benefits of Beetroot.

Amazing Benefits of Beetroot : In the pink of Health. The leaves of the beet greens plant are incredibly nutritious, so don't throw them away! Nutritionally, per 100g they offer:- Protein - 2.2g  Fat - 0.13g Carbohydrates - 4.33g Calories - 22.0 Sugar - 0.5g  Fiber - 3.7g Vitamins (% Recommended Daily Allowance(RDA):- Vitamin A - 271% Vitamin E - 10% Vitamin C - 40% Vitamin B1 - 8% Vitamin B2 - 13% Vitamin B5 - 5% Vitamin B6 - 8% Vitamin K   - 500% Minerals (% RDA):- Calcium - 12% Iron -  14% Magnesium - 22% Phosphorus - 6% Potassium - 22% Sodium - 10% Copper - 21% Manganese - 22%

arugula nutrition.vitamin c arugla.

A rugula. Arugule leaves are otherwise known as 'rocket', and they are particularly popular in the Mediterranean and Middle-East. In fact, arugula is one of the tastiest foods on this vegetable list, and it adds a complex flsvor to any dish. Nutritionally, per 100g they offer:- Protein - 2.58g Fat - 0.66g Carbohydrates - 3.65g Calories - 25.0g Sugar - 2.05g Fiber - 1.6g Vitamins (% Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA):- Vitamin A - 102% Vitamin C - 20% Vitamin B2 - 5% Vitamin B5 - 9% Vitamin B6 - 6% Folate - 24% Vitamin K - 136%


Artichoke:- Artichoke (or artichoke heart) is a kind of thistle. Interestingly, this vegetable is actually the flower buds of the plant before they bloom. Nutritionally, Per 100g they offer:- Protein - 3.27g  Fat -        0.15g Carbohydrates - 10.51g Calories - 47.0g Sugar - 0.99g Fiber - 5.4g Vitamins(% Recommended Daily Allowance(RDA). VItamin C - 16% VItamin B1 - 6% VItamin B3 - 7% VItamin B5 - 7% VItamin B6 - 9% Folate - 17% VItamin K - 18% Minerals (% RDA) Iron - 7% Magnesium - 19% Phosphorus - 13% Potassium - 11% Copper - 26%  Manganese - 14%

Baby health tips.बेबी हेल्थ केयर।

Baby Massage:-   Baby massage is good old tradition of nurturing the infants, followed by people since centuries. Take few drops of olive oil in your palm and apply it in the circular motion. But be careful your child body is delicate so do not give pressure to your hands while massaging. Growing Teeth:-  Make small pieces of potato and cool them in your fridge. Give you child pieces of cold potato and tell him to place them inside his mouth on the tooth that is paining. The cold will sooth the pain. This works well with cucumber too. Find Doctor. Skin Care:-   Your baby could suffer from various skin problems if you do not provide proper protection to the baby skin. Use products that are especially for soft and sensitive baby skin. Apply soft and gentle soap and shampoos which does not contains hard chemicals and use only branded products. Baby's skin absorbs lotion easily so avoid strong moisturizers. According to season you should use body lotion (mild) cream for baby ...

How to make strawberry shake at home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Question ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How to make strawberry shake in hindi. How prepare strawberry shake. How to make strawberry shake at home. Is strawberry shake good for health. Strawberry Shake. The secret to strengthening your muscles is to ingest more protein. With this drink you will be increasing them but also activate your metabolism with the strawberries. HOW TO PREPARE:- Add to blender:- ◆ 1/2 Liter of skim milk. ◆ 1 Cup of strawberries. ◆ 1/2 Cup oats. ◆ 1/4 Cup of flaxseed. Liquify everything and enjoy it's flavor and benefits . स्ट्रॉबेरी शेक:- आपकी मासपेशियो को मजबूत करने का रहस्य प्रोटीन खाने के लिए है। कैसे बनाना है:- ब्लेडर मे जोड़े ◆ 1/2 लीटर दूध। ◆ 1  कप स्ट्रॉबेरी। ◆ 1  कप ओट्स। ◆ 1/2  कप अलसी। सब कुछ बनने के बाद इसके स्वाद का आनद ले। স্ট্রবেরি জুস. আপনার পেশি শক্তিশালী করার রহস‍্য হল প্রোটিন খাওয়া।  কিভাবে তৈরি করতে হবে:- ব্লেন্ডারে যুক্ত করুন: ◆ ১/২ লিটার স্কিম মিল্ক। ◆ স্টবেরি ১ কাপ। ◆ ১/২ কাপ ওটস। ◆ ১/২ কাপ তিসি বীজ। সবকিছু তৈরি করা পর এর ...

Fruit Shake.fresh fruit shakes to lose weight.

Fruit Shake. This drink is super delicious for combination of fruits. Its main ingredient is grapefruit, which is very good for metabolizing fats.                 How to prepare:- how to make fruit shake using blender. Add to blender: ◆ Juice of 2 grapefruit. ◆ 2 Slices of pineapple. ◆ 1 Cup raspberries. ◆ 1/2 Glass of water. Liquify everything and ready to drink. Health Tips- फलो का शेक फलो का सयोजन बहुत स्वादिष्ट होता है।  इसका मुख्य घटक अगूर है। जो चर्बी घटाने के लिए बहुत अच्छा है। तैयार कैसे करे. ब्लेडर:- ◆ 2 अगूर का रस. ◆ अनानास के 2 टुकड़े. ◆ 1 कप रसभरी. ◆ 1/2 गिलास पानी. ফলের রস. এই পানীয় ফলের সংমিশ্রনের জন‍্য দুর্দান্ত সুস্বাদু। এর প্রধান উপাদান হল আঙুরফল, যা চর্বি কমানোর জন‍্য খুব ভালো। কিভাবে তৈরি করতে হবে:- ব্লেন্ডারে যুক্ত করুন: ◆ ২ আঙুরের রস। ◆ ২ টুকরো আনারস। ◆ ১ কাপ রাস্পবেরি। ◆ ১ থেকে ২ গ্লাস জল। পান করার জন‍্য প্রস্তুত 

Chocolate Milkshake.

This drink is ideal to increase the consumption of proteins naturally. And with coffee you will accelerate your metabolism. You can drink it an hour before you exercise .                           How to prepare:- Add to blender:   ◆ Chocolate or cocoa powder without sugar. ◆ 1/2 Liter of skim milk. ◆ 1/2 Cuo oats. ◆ 1/4 Cuo amaranth. ◆ 1/2 tablespoon of coffee. ◆ A touch of honey to sweeten to sweeten. Liquify everything and enjoy, it's delicious.

Physical and mental health.

Physical and mental health   In order to overcome the physical and mental weakness and move on to the path of free life, regular meditation and can bring about a free life by overcoming the mental weakness. You have to wake up very early in the morning and drink moderate amount of water in the morning. Then do pranayama and yoga. Practice Anulom Bilom, Kapalbhati, Maha Bandha Mudra, Shavasana, Reverse Karnimudra, Satsanga, Dhyana, Regularly. Regularly read books on Vivekananda, Ramakrishnadev, Arvind Rachnavali, Mahabharata especially Gita and Yogi. P ranayama - (General rules of pranayama) Pure air can be taken in through pranayama and it can also be kept inside the body. As a result, our body does not lack the necessary oxygen. And this oxygen rich blood makes our body healthy and strong. This pranayama also develops the physical and mental strength of human beings. The breath that is taken through the process of pranayama is divided into three parts. 1. Rec...

Spinach juice for slimming

Spinach Juice For Slimming. Ingredients:- ◆ 4 leaves of spinach. ◆ 1 apple. ◆ 2 leaves of kale.                                 Recipe:- Its preparation is very simple you just have to make sure to wash all the ingredients well then liquefy them with the amount of water necessary for you to obtain a correct juice density, also replace the water with orange juice and add a little honey. Nutritional Properties and Benefits. spinace Juice Nutrition. Spinach Juice Nutrition:-  Among the benefits of this green juice to your body are:- healthy hydration, great source of electrolytes and carbohydrats, clean your blood naturally, provides the body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to take it daily for 5 days and rest 5 days, take before each meal, you can replace the meal for this juice, if the body reacts strangely you should rest 5 days to start to take them again or decreas...