Juices to lose weight.

Health Tips Juices to lose weight.


◆ Ingredients:-
(1) Papaya.
(2) Pineapple.
(3) Tamarind.

To Prepare this juice, you must first peel all the fruits, remove the outer layer of the fruit and then cut into small pieces, add in the blender with water and beat until obtaining a homogeneous mixture, remember to remove the seeds or Beat with the seeds you should strain the mixture, serve and enjoy.

Nutritional Properties and Benefits:-

Papaya:- Effectively combats constipation, eliminates parasites lodged in the intestines (must be beaten with 2 or 3 seeds for this), contains natural analgesic properties, anti-cancer, is rich in B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, alkalize your body naturally And because of its fiber content is an excellent natural detoxifier.


Pineapple:- Excellent diuretic properties that will help you lose weight, control blood sugar levels, alkalize your body naturally with pineapple, effectively improve blood circulation, rich in vitamin C and minerals, avoid and combat problems of skin.

Tamarind:- Regulates cholesterol in the blood, Recommended by different tribed for its ability to relieve stomach discomfort, the pula in conjunction with flowers helps relieve joint pain and inflammation, therefore it could be beneficial in cases of zika where the pains in the joints are intense.

Overall benefits of tamarind, pineapple and papaya juice:- This juice is excellent for eliminating all stomach problems such as constipation, prevents fluid retention in the body as well as helps eliminate all harmful toxins found in the body, famous By burning fat and being an excellent mild laxative.


◆ Ingredients:-
(1) Pear.
(2) Kiwi.
(3) Pomegranate.
(4) Orange or Lemon juice.
                               (Lemon Juice)
Its preparation is very simple only must wash the ingredients correctly, remove the seeds and chop into small pieces to add in the blender, beat with water or orange juice until a uniform mixture, serve and enjoy.

Nutritional Properties and Benefits:-

Pear:- Contains an excellent diuretic effect for people who want to lose weight, is high in fiber, excellent for lowering blood pressure naturally, purifies blood and reduces cholesterol, contains folic acid, high in calcium and potassium.

Kiwi:- Popular for delaying cell aging, contains enough antioxidants, mild laxative effect, high potassium and vitamin C content, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin.

Granate:- Great properties that reinforce the immune system, rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, antioxidant par excellence, cleanses blood and avoids problems of hypertension, stands out for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial capacity.

General benefits of this juice to burn fat made of pear, kiwi and pomegranate:-  This milkshake is an excellent mild laxative that you can use to avoid problems of constipation, purifies blood, as well as prevents heart problems, helps to expel quickly The fat lodged in the organism and strengthens the blood to avoid that resemblance caused by harmful toxins that are usually lodged in the blood.


◆ Kiwi.
◆ Orange.

To prepare this natural juice we will only need to wash and remove the crust of the ingredients correctly, then we add the kiwi seed in the blender and with the juice of several oranges should be liquefied until a homogeneous mixture, serve and enjoy drink to burn fat.

Nutritional Properties and Benefits:- 

Orange:- Diuretics par excellence and high in vitamin C, also helps prevent kidney stones, prevents cholesterol build-up and controls, strengthens the immune system and also maintains healthy and hydrated skin.

Kiwi:- We have already talked about the benefits of this fruit, in recipe unmber 2 on "fruit shake to lower extra kilos" you can find the details.

Overall benefits of this orange and kiwi juice:-
The combination of these fruits generates a powerful diuretic that contributes a good amount of fiber to the body, contains high levels of  vitamin C, antioxidant properties that effectively clean the intestinal tract and eliminate the bacteria housed in the colon, promotes good digestion thus avoiding the stomach gases.


◆ Apple.
◆ Pineapple.
◆ Papaya.

Its preparation does not entail any difficulty, you must wash the ingredients correctly, remove the crust, chop into small pieces to add to the blender, beat until obtaining a homogeneous mixture, serve in a long glass and enjoy.

Nutritional Properties and Benefits:-

Apple:- This fruit improves digestion, facilitates the absorption of calcium in the body, reduces hypertension, eliminates bad breath, apple is a fruit rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, its consumption aljalizes the body effectively.

Papaya and pineapple can be seen in the recipe number 1 on "Natural juice to reduce the abdomen".

Benefits in general of this apple, pineapple and papaya smoothie:- This shake is ideal for those people who are presenting dental, stomach and digestive problems, because its medicial propeties help to improve this type of discomfort in an immediate and effective, This shake strengthens the intestinal mucosa and keeps it hydrated for proper functioning.


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