Weight loss home remedies.

Weight loss home remedies - 

Honey and Lemon -   Honey and lemon together work wonders for controlling the body weight. Take a glass of lukewarm water. Add a tsp of honey, 3 tbsp of lemon juice and a pinch of black pepper to it. Mix it well and drink it on an empty stomach, every morning. It acts as a natural weight loss drink.


Green Tea -  Green tea is a powerful antioxidant that burns the stubborn and rigid fats, if consumed regularly. To have the real benefits from it, drink it without sugar.

                         (Green Tea)

Bottle Gourd - Bottle Gourd is rich in fibers and has zero fat content. Moreover, it keeps your stomach filled for hours while keeping it soothed. You can consume it in the liquid form, like juice, or even cook a vegetable out of it.

                        (Bottle Gourd)

Apple Cider Vinegar -  Apple cider vinegar has been proven to benefit in weight loss. Mix apple cider vinegar with water. Consume it every morning and see, how it works to make you get rid of unwanted fats.

        (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Parsley -  Parsley is an excellent feed for your kidneys as it detoxifies then while keeping them healthy. It is also superb for your stomach as well it soothes and gives your stomach a fuller feeling. So, it is an excellent method to cut down on calories and burn fat in your body.


Cranberries -  Cranberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and great antioxidants that not only helps to prevent the formation of free radicals, but also keep a check on your weight. Consume cranberry juice on a regular basis for miraculous results.

Cabbage - Eat lots and lots of cabbage as it contains tartaric acid that prevents sugar and carbs from getting converted into fats. Eating a bowl plentiful of cabbage will help you to burn fats from the stubborn areas, like bellies and thighs.


Capsaicin -  It is a natural substance that is found in chili peppers and is responsible for speeding up metabolism and plummeting fat tissues, simultaneously. It also regulates and keeps a check on your appetite, thus making you eat less.


Finger Millets (Ragi) -  Ragi is a rich source of iron, calcium, phosphorous, Vitamin B2 and B2. It curbs your appetite. Eat chapattis made up of ragi to get effective results.

                 (Finger Millets - Ragi)


Jujube Leaves (Indian Plum) - Soak some jujube leaves in water. Let it stay soaked for overnight. In the morning, drink this water on an empty stomach. Use this remedy continuously for one month. It will certainly reduce your weight.

Water - Drink plenty (at least 8 glasses) of water on the daily basis as water has electrolytes that aide in reducing weight.

Tomatoes - Eat 1 or 2 tomatoes in berakfast. It will help you to keeo your body weight under check.


Cucumber -  Cucumber contains 90% water and is helpful in breaking fat cells. So, eat lots of cucumber. It's a natural remedy for weught loss.

Carrot - Carrot is also a good remedy for losing extra flab. Drink a glass of carrot juice as the first thing in the morning. You can also take carrot in other forms like chopped carrot with mixed salad, raw carrot and cooked carrot as vegetables. it will definitely reduce the extra fat.

Peach - If you are on dieting, peach is an ideal fruit to take. One peach comprises of 68 calories and no fat. Eat a large peach on the daily basis to lose weight.

Papaya - For quick weight loss, have papaya on an empty stomack, early in the morning. Besides keeping your weight under check, it also helps in removing gastric problems.

Fennel seeds - Fennel seeds are one of the best herbal remedies for weight loss. Sip on a cup of fennel seed tea 15 minutes before having a heavy meal. It will help to curb your appetite.

Cinnamon Tea - Blood sugar has a direct impact on your weight as it affects how hungry and how energetic you are ( if you have energy you're much more likely to exercise) If your blood sugar is balanced you are less likely to have a disproportionally large appetite, and your boody will be more apt to use fat (energy) rather than storing it. While debate about its effectiveness drags on, more and more preliminary studies are coming out showing that cinnamon can help manage blood sugar levels, so why not whip up a spicy cinnamon tea? 

You will need....

1 Teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
1 Cinnamon stick.
8 Ounces of fresh water directions.

Place the cinnamon in a mug and cover with 8 ounces of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes before straining. Drinking 1-2 times a day.

Green Tea and Ginger - Green tea has long been debated as a weight loss aid, and more research in needed to confirm or deny how well it works. While some studies have turned up nothing, others have identified three main components in green tea that could help manage weight-caffeine, catechins, and theanine. Caffeine is just an overall boost to your system, and speeds up a number of bodily processes up a number of bodily processes, including metabolism related to weight (technically speaking, metabolism refers to any and all biological processes in a living organism needed to sustain life.)

Catechins are considered anti-oxidant flavonoids, and are superior in green tea rather than black tea due to a difference in processing (black tea is fermented.) While the mechanism is yet to be determined, in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that catechins can help lower the absorption of lipids (fats) via the intestinal track. Theanine is an amino acid in green tea that can encourage the release of dopamine, the chemical that makes you ''happy'' and relaxed. If you tend to eat due to stress, this may be useful. It also counters the caffeine so you don't get all jittery. The ginger added to green tea will help improve digestion and add a little flavor-no sugar or milk in this tea!

You will need....

1/2 Inch of fresh ginger root, peeled and finely chopped  OR ½ teaspoon ground ginger.
1 teaspoon of green tea.
8 ounces of fresh water.
Raw, organic honey (optional)


Place green tea and ginger in a strainer or sieve and cover with 8 ounces of boiling water. Steeping green tea for too long can leave it with a bitter taste, so don't exceed 3-4 minutes. You can stir in a little raw honey if you really need to sweeten it, but avoid milk or sugar at all costs. Drink 1-2 cups daily on an empty stomach.

Rose petal water - The benefits of rose petal water are backed more by anecdotaal evidence than anything, but that's no reason to shrug off this mild yet refreshing drink. Rose petals act as a very gentle diuretic. Diuretics encourage your kidneys to put more sodium (salt) into your urine. This excess salt in turn draws water from your blood, decreasing the amount of water in your circulatory system. This is not ''permanent'' weight loss-just water weight-but the action encourages you to drink more and keep your system flushed clean and hydrated. Staying hydrated, believe it or not, can be hugely beneficial to losing weight.

You will need....

Handful of fresh or dried rose petals.
Distilled water (roughly 1-2 cups)
A pot with a tightly fitting lid.

Note: Be sure, especially if using fresh rose petals, that they have not been treated with any sort of chemical (insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc.)


Place the pot on the stove, put in the rose petals, and add just enough distilled water to completely cover them. If some float to the top it's ont a big deal. Cover the pot with a tightly fitting lid and simmer until the petals lose most of their color, about 15-20 minutes. Strain the liquid into a glass jar and keep in the refrigerator for up to 6 days. Drink about ½-1 cup every morning on an empty stomach.

Ginseng - Ginseng is any one of 11 perennial plants with fleshy roots belonging to the genus panax. While there are different kinds of ginseng, the two that you should use - also the ones that have had the most controlled double-blind studies done on them- are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng.) While widely known as a stimulant to speed up a sluggish metabolism, that description doesn't do it justice. Ginseng's greatest quality is that it can help fight fatigue and boost energy as well as mental alertness (in a randomized double-blind study in 2010 290 cancer patients at the Mayo Clinic were given ginseng daily and it was found to fight even the crippling fatigue caused by chemotherapy.) This is huge when it comes to weight loss-without energy, it's hard to exercise. Without exercise, it's near impossible to lose weight-at least in a healthy way. In addition to boosting energy, there is tentaive evidence that it can help manage blood sugar, which also affects energy levels as well as appetite.

You will need....

1 teaspoon of chopped American or Korean ginseng.
8 ounces of fresh water.
raw honey/lemon to taste (optional)


Roughly chop the root and measure out 1 teaspoon per cup of water. Bring water to a boil and then pour over the ginseng, allowing it to steep for 5-9 minutes. Strain, add honey or lemon if you like, and drink 1-2 times daily.

Dandeli and Peppermint- Dandelion and peppermint tea is a fabulous drink that will help keep your liver healthy. The liver is an incredible organ. Not only is it the only way to truly detoxify your body, it is also plays a central role in many metabolic processes-a lot of which affect weight. In terms of fat metabolism, the liver is full of cells that break down fats and turn them into usable energy. These cells are also responsible for the flow of bile, which helps breakdown and absorb fats. In the metabolism of carbohy carbohydrates, the liver helps keep your blood sugar steady, therefore keeping energy levels up and regulating appetite. The list goes on, but the point is helping your liver helps your weight, as it plays a crucial role in managing fats and their absorption. Dandelion and peppermint both help your liver. Dandelion has hepatoprotection constituents, with hepatoprotection meaning an ability to prevent damage to the liver. Peppermint and damage to the liver. Peppermint and dandelion both automatically stimulate the production of bile in the liver, helping with digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Mix these two together, and you have a powerful liver protecting tea!

You will need....
1 teaspoon of dried dandelion leaves.
1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves.
8 ounces of boiling water.
Lemon to taste (optional)

Directions:- Pour a cup of boiling water over the dandelion and peppermint and steep, covered, for 5-10 minutes. Strain, add lemon to taste if you like, and drink a cup twice daily. You can also make this with fresh dandelion leaves/roots and fresh peppermint, just use a rough handful of the fresh leaves for the amount. If you do use fresh, be absolutely certain that there have been no chemicals applied to them- this is especially important for dandelion. If you use dandelion on a regular basis, I suggest growing your own.


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